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Tax Audit Stories

Our employees write these stories and give you real-life examples of how we tirelessly defend our members.

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Audit Defense Members looking over audit paperwork
Happy couple looking at a piece of paper together

Successful Audit Results in $10,000 Savings for Our Members!

Audit Defense members save $10,000 and learn to report mortgage interest accurately on future tax returns.

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Lady in a white and black dress shirt leaning against a glass wall.

Schedule C Business Audit Ends in a Win!

Our dedicated and hardworking tax professional successfully saved our Audit Defense member $12,000!

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Person working on paperwork with calculator in hand and glasses on the table.

Audit Defense Member went from owing $4,000 to $0!

Our Tax Professional successfully appealed a CP2000 for an Audit Defense member who failed to report her late husband's income.

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A stamp with five red stars

Quick Case Ends with Extremely Thankful Members!

Our Audit Defense members received education on tax errors and how to prevent future mistakes, preparing them for success.

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Couple happily looking at a piece of paper together

Schedule E Audit went from $10,000 to $0 Owed!

A Schedule E business audit ends with the best outcome for our Audit Defense members!

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Letters spelling "AUDIT" with a hand placing the letter "T"

State Audit Conducted on Two Businesses Concludes Favorably!

After receiving audit notices regarding their two businesses, our Audit Defense members saved $14,000 with the help of TaxAudit.

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Couple both looking at a letter.

A Quick Case was Resolved with $0 Owed!

Expertise and hard work saved our members from paying $20,000 to the IRS!

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Man smiling looking at paperwork.

Twice Reported

Our Tax Professional resolved an IRS case involving double-reported income, reducing the amount owed from $30,000 to $0.

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Two people inside the flight deck of a plane

International Pilot Lands the Best Outcome for his case!

After receiving two IRS notices, our TaxAudit member went from owing $80,000 to $0!

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Woman looking at her mail with a smile

Double Trouble 

Our Audit Defense member received two IRS notices for her Schedule C business. With help from TaxAudit, she ended up with a refund of $300! 

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Someone holding a toy house with keys

Case Concludes in Favor of our TaxAudit Member

After receiving an IRS notice in July of 2023, our member reached out to us, and our Tax Pro had it taken care of and reduced to $0 after only 3 months!

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Smiling woman on the phone and taking notes.

From $55k to Nothing Owed

One of our Tax Professionals supported our member for over two years – and their $55,000 in tax was reduced to nothing owed!

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Elderly couple both looking at a calculator.

It Can’t be that Bad, Right?

TaxAudit members had a diligent Tax Professional who was by their side for two years and through a tragedy.

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A couple sitting on a couch reading a letter together

Spooky IRS Letter Turned into a Win!

Determination and dedication from one of our Tax Professionals ended with a couple receiving both an IRS correction and penalty abatement. 

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A man and a woman looking at a phone excitedly

Peace of Mind

TaxAudit members had a dedicated Tax Professional on their side throughout a year-and-a-half audit.

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Real estate images on a smart phone

A Savings of $350k!

Diligence and hard work saved taxpayers from owing the IRS over $350k!

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Woman distressed while reading letter

Zero Balance Due!

TaxAudit’s Tax Professional worked hard to defend taxpayers against the IRS.

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Bitcoin on top of 1040 tax return

Tax Time Gone from Sour to Sweet

Niko received a letter from the IRS informing him that he owed over $600,000 in taxes. Then he remembered he had purchased Audit Defense and called for help.

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IRS Problem and Resolution written on wooden blocks

A Two-Year Battle Won

After two years of battle, TaxAudit saved their member from owing the IRS over $50,000!

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Man happy while reading letter

From Tax Troubles to Receiving a Refund

Eric received a letter from the IRS stating that instead of owing the $9,700, he would actually receive a refund of over $800.

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Man Reading Letter at his desk

How We Helped a Client Who Received a $360,000 IRS Letter

Our client received a CP2000 notice from the IRS stating that he owed them over $360,000 for some discrepancies on his tax return.

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Man talking on the phone with letter

Simple Tax Return Mistakes Can Create a Large Tax Bill

At TaxAudit, we strive to do whatever it takes to make sure that our members are only paying what is rightfully owed.

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Tax Refund Arrow in a Bullseye

An Amount Owed Turned Into a Refund

TaxAudit took a $25k amount owed and turned it into a refund of over $2k!

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Woman opening letter

The Confidence to Win

Jenna received was a CP2000 notice stating that the income she reported for 2020 did not match the income that had been reported to the IRS.

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Tax Professional with headset on

Outstanding Service

TaxAudit's Tax Professional assisted a taxpayer with only days remaining to respond.

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Truck Driver standing next to his truck

An Expression of Gratitude

TaxAudit helped save a taxpayer $18,000 while also helping them understand a Schedule C as a truck driver.

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Woman opening letter

A Helping Hand

TaxAudit helped make a member’s audit experience “painless and simple.”

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5 airplanes flying

A Positive Outcome for a Military Member

With the help of one of TaxAudit's tax professionals, a military reservist was able to claim all of his tax deductions!

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Couple Reading Letter

A Schedule C Situation

TaxAudit members receive continual support throughout their multi-year audit of their Schedule C.

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Man on the phone

A Helpful Phone Call

TaxAudit’s dedicated Tax Professional quickly turned a $50k proposed amount due into a refund!

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Tax Professional Looking over audit case

A Year-Long Journey

After countless stall letters and proposed amounts due, TaxAudit’s Tax Professional achieved a best-case resolution for their member!

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Couple Doing Paperwork

Highest Remarks

TaxAudit’s Tax Professional helps turn a balance due to a refund received!

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Five Stars

Making a Difference in December

Our tax professionals didn’t let the holidays get in the way of providing first class service to our members!

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Chalkboard saying We Believe in Making A Difference

We Made a Difference in November!

TaxAudit tax professionals delivered excellent customer service to our members in the month of November!

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We are thankful! written on the a notecard

We Are Thankful!

As we head into the end of the year, we cannot help but be thankful for all our wonderful members!

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We Believe in Making A Difference Sign

We Made a Difference in September!

TaxAudit worked diligently to make sure their members received top-notch customer service in September!

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Two tax professionals working a case

A Three-Year Battle Ends in Victory!

A TaxAudit Tax Professional spent three years fighting for her member.

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Tax Professional

Through Thick and Thin

TaxAudit’s Tax Professional worked diligently to help a member in need.

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Woman with hands in the air

A Weight Lifted

A TaxAudit member went from owing $22,000 in tax to receiving a $1,000 refund!

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Man with hand up in victory

A Best-Case Scenario

A TaxAudit tax professional worked with their member to bring their $35,000 balance due down to just $340!

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Happy Couple looking at a paperwork

Only Paying What is Rightfully Owed

TaxAudit’s tax professional worked diligently to ensure that their member was only paying what was rightfully owed to the IRS.

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Refund Sign

Turning an Amount Due into a Refund

TaxAudit’s tax professional worked with his members to make sure that, not only did they not owe the IRS additional tax – but they were actually due a refund!

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Hands holding Mug with Heart in it

When Kindness Counts

TaxAudit tax professionals take the time and attention to understand a taxpayer’s unique situations and handle their cases with kindness.

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Businessman with a Hero Cape

Audit Hero

TaxAudit took stress out of an already stressful year to help support their member.

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Tax Refund

Defending Two Claim for Refund Cases

The TaxAudit team showcases their collective expertise to assist a member through a "claim for refund."

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Expert Definition

Peace of Mind with Experts on Your Side

Clear instructions and an honest conversation led to a best case scenario for a TaxAudit member.

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Students wearing Graduation Hats

An Education on Education Credits

TaxAudit's tax professional helped solve an education credit issue that dropped the amount due to the IRS from $5,000 to $535!

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paperwork and calculator

From $32,000 Balance Due to $22,000 Refund

By going the extra mile, our tax professional changed a balance due to a substantail refund!

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Power and Hope

Through her hard work, determination, and diligence, a tax professional reduces a member's tax bill by nearly $25,000.

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Pilots sitting in a cockpit

Collaboration Makes Magic Happen

TaxAudit challenged an IRS examiners position that was based on decade old court cases to save their members from owing a $30,000 tax bill!

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Tax Professional

Our Tax Professionals are Super Stars!

TaxAudit’s Tax Professionals have risen to the challenge of working from home by making sure our members are still being taken care of.

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IT Networking Cables

Thank you to our IT Department!

TaxAudit team members are incredibly thankful for their IT Department during these challenging times!

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Cookie Gift Basket

An Audit Worthy of a Gift Basket

TaxAudit worked diligently to defend a taxpayer's federal and state return which resulted in a refund being due back to the taxpayer!

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Tax Professional

Hugs from a Non-Hugger

TaxAudit proved to the IRS that a taxpayer had properly reported income, assuring that he was not responsibile for paying the proposed balance due.

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Couple Celebrating Victory

A Well-Earned Victory

TaxAudit worked relentlessly for almost three years to get the refund that was owed to taxpayers!

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Aunt reading a book with two girls

A Great Aunt gets a Great Refund!

TaxAudit assured that a taxpayer successfully received the Earned Income Credit and Child Tax Credit they were owed.

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1040 Schedule C

An Investment that Went Sour and an Audit with Sweet Rewards

TaxAudit successfully defends a taxpayer who received an audit notice for a business bad debt deduction.

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Group Giving High Fives

We Help People

An audit representative is able to get a $55,697 tax penalty waived.

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Tax Professional

Minimal Fee Maximum Representation

TaxAudit's member explained that the service and representation he received had cleared up any doubts.

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Stethoscope, airplane, and heart

EBE’s for a Traveling Nurse

A traveling nurse, Ellie, got audited. TaxAudit helped!

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New Business Chapter One written by a typewriter

Tricky Business

One often overlooked challenge that comes with opening a business is how our taxes will be impacted.

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Customer Service Representatives

Rallying Together

When we rallied together this tax season, we demonstrated all three values – day after day, time and time again.

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Elderly couple looking over paperwork

The Cost of an Honest Mistake

A simple transposition of numbers, or even a misplaced decimal point, can cause a taxpayer a great deal of stress and well, money. Read how we helped one couple

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Multiple Disel Trucks Parked

Every Step of the Way

Over the life span of the case, we remained in near constant contact, as evidenced by our 38 separate communication exchanges since the audit first began.

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Professionals giving high fives

The Audit Defense Dream Team

The member's IRS notice had balance due of $168,972.64 and eventually received a letter from the auditor with a balance due of $0.00!

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Tax Professional

Correcting a $53,000 Mix-up!

The members went from owing $53,316 to a $40,615 refund! That’s a $93,931 swing in circumstances.

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Business Meeting

Vigorous Representation Leads to $0 Balance Due

With several years of audit representation experience under her belt, Judee was ready for anything that came her way when she received a small business audit.

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Dog on the grass

Patience, Perseverance, and Positivity

When I shared the good news with the member, she expressed such gratitude that we had gone to battle for her and spared her more than $3,000 of additional tax.

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Self-Employment Tax, Pen, and Stack of Money

Doing What We Can for our Members

The taxpayers were being overcharged by more than $7,000 in tax, penalties, and interest. Our member was very appreciative and asked me to get it corrected.

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Woman Standing by her Desk in an Office

Responding to Cases for a Positive Outcome

As audit representatives, we are required to review our members’ tax returns in full, for other potential issues that could possibly be flagged by the IRS.

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Airplane Flying

Deducting an Airplane

Our annual low-cost memberships cover our members with income tax audit representation whether it is one or more audits − all for the same low price.

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Scam written in blocks over money

A Good Day to Work at TaxAudit

The member had come into the bank in a frantic state. He explained that if $8000.00 wasn't wired to the IRS immediately he would be detained.

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Tax Professional on the Phone

A $98,000 Phone Call

This story is about a phone call that saved my member over $98,000. My member received a letter from the IRS that was very vague.

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Father dancing with Daughter at her wedding

Helping Members in Unexpected Ways

At the start of a case our members’ issues become our own, and we represent them with the same level of tenacity that we would put forth for ourselves.

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How We Keep Our Members’ Information Safe

The very reason TaxAudit exists is to help others. We live out our mission by protecting and defending our members − from unjust audit outcomes.

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Tax Professional at Desk

Our Members Don't Give In, and We Don't Give Up!

In this case, the members were thrilled with the outcome, as it had far exceeded their expectations.

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Tax Professional reading document

Justice is Served!

At TaxAudit, each of our audit reps carry with them knowledge, experience and an unwavering desire to help people.

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IT team member working on a computer

The 411: How Our IT Team Helps Us Help You!

Our Information Technology team plays a critical role in the service we provide to our members, and in our ability to provide it.

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1 Million with Confetti

We Love It When We Save Our Members a Million Dollars

When she was recently assigned a case proposing that a member owed over $1,000,000, she knew something was amiss.

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Customer Service Representative

The Glance Experience

Recently, TaxAudit adopted a new technology to enhance our members’ experience with us. This software allows us to assist them more efficiently.

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Two people in hardhats looking at a power plant

All in a day's work, Mr. President!

Tackling the IRS on behalf of our members is not something to be taken lightly. I attend to every case with a fresh set of eyes.

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Two people giving a High Five

A Little Teamwork Goes a Long Way

In our line of work, the smallest of details can make the biggest difference for our members. In this case, a little bit of teamwork went a long way.

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Calculator and stethoscope

In Pursuit of a Fair and Accurate Audit Outcome

After receiving a notice from the IRS questioning his $16,704 medical deduction, the member knew he had to contact our team at TaxAudit.

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An Amount Due Becomes a $2,000 Refund

David correctly analyzed the situation and provided the rep with the information necessary to get an almost $8,0000 adjustment for the member.

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Man with hand up in victory

A $7,000 Abatement. Now THAT's Quite a Statement!

A decision arrived from the IRS. It was good news: they agreed to remove the failure-to-file penalty! Both Judee and the member were thrilled.

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Tax Representative Arnold van Dyk

How I Reduced a Member's Tax Bill from $200,000 to $78.00

Our member received a CP2000 notice showing he owed the IRS over $200,000! We believed we could defend him based on this section of the IRC.

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Military member saluting with an American flag in the background

Helping a Hero

He was desperate to get his case solved before that time. He was even willing to just pay the IRS so he could be done with it.

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puzzle piece

MSRs are an Important Piece of the TAC Puzzle!

We showcase what is all about; this is where we have the opportunity to truly make a difference in the lives of our members.

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Customer Service Representative

A Membership Services Representative’s Tale of Victory

As a Membership Services Representative at, I have the opportunity every day to make a difference in the lives of our members.

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Tax Professional

A Little Hard Work and A Lot of Perseverance

Through my continued determination on my client’s case, combined with my member’s patience, we were able to finally correct the IRS’s uncompromising stance.

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Woman holding an Umbrella

Audit Coordinators: The Liaison Heroes For Our Members

Our Audit Coordinators are there to help our members have a smooth experience sending in their initial documents.

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Dolly carrying a house

Making a Difference in the Lives of Our Members

While I have worked on many cases over the years, there is one case in particular that stands out to me – one that I believe is worth sharing.

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Man Helping Boy Learn to Ride a Bike

A Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Each of these three IRS letters reflected a zero balance due. The member could not have been happier.

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Self-Directed IRA – Should I or Shouldn’t I?

We closed the case with a zero balance due. This was so much better than the $38,000 that the member was originally going to owe, and she was thrilled.

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Tax Refund Note

After All the Sweat and Tears…Still Another Happy Member

The IRS agreed to release the member’s refund check on July 8, 2016 in the amount of $61,890.62.

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Professional with arms up in excitment

A Rewarding First Assignment

Not only was I able to assist an 80-year-old widower, but I was also able to help prevent him from paying taxes he did not rightfully owe.

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Professionals Giving High Fives

TaxAudit Audit Department Assistants

What do Robin, Samwise Gamgee, Dr. Watson and the Audit Department Assistants of have in Common?

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 Schedule A

The Warm Fuzzy Feeling You Get from Helping Someone

A few weeks later, we received a new notice for 2012 which removed the penalty. When I called the member, she was so appreciative.

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Group of Tax Professionals Talking

To Our Unsung Heroes

One of our company goals is to provide the best taxpayer education available to our members. One way we empower our members is through knowledge.

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Tax Professional working on Computer

Because Audits Happen…

In my environment we deal with complex government regulations, but he managed to explain the IRS complexity and requirements as easy to understand.

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Customer Service Representative

A Weight Lifted

All of us at recognize how much of an impact a timely response can have on the confidence and stress levels of our members.

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Vinyl Records

Don’t Worry, Be Happy – And Keep Good Records!

With my audit defense strategy and his documents, we were a power duo with a hit.

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Calendar and Clock

Five Hundred and Sixty-Six Days

Resolving the case had taken five-hundred and sixty-six days from beginning to end. Persistence paid off once again.

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MBA displaying on a tablet device


I was thrilled that I had won another difficult case. The taxpayer was extremely grateful.

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Man in suit looking over paperwork with a magnifying glass

The Case of the Missing Homebuyer’s Credit

The TaxAudit member will receive a refund of $9,515.42. Needless to say, she is thrilled with the result.

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Self Employment Tax written on a sticky note stuck to a stack of money

Not All Pay Is Treated Equally

The member was extremely relieved and grateful for our service. I received notification that the inquiry was closed with no change to the taxpayer’s return.

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Bankers Box filled with Documents

My Story of Perseverance and Commitment to Our Members

After more than two years, finally the case has been closed and the member’s tax liability went from a high of $269k to a final number of $23K.

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Woman Buying Groceries

The IRS Does Have a Heart

She had received a new notice with a zero balance due. She could not have been more satisfied with the outcome and thanked me over and over.

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Tax Professionals setting at a desk

There’s Never a Good Time for an Audit

I told him to focus on taking care of his health, and we would do our best to take care of the IRS issue for him.

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Hands holding up a heart

Today was a Gentle Reminder of Why I Love my Job

Today, I could not be more grateful that I had the pleasure of being on the receiving end of this phone call. The woman just wanted someone to listen to her.

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Grapes in a vineyar

California Jet Set

They were thrilled that they would have the opportunity to file amended federal and California income tax returns for the open years.

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Connect the Dots

Keeping It Simple Helps

The taxpayer received a “no change” notice in January, which means she owes the IRS nothing. Needless to say, the taxpayer and her son are extremely relieved.

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Truck Driver

Truck Driving Man

Often when assigned new cases, we find members who have made what initially appear to be insignificant errors and end up owing substantial amounts of tax.

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Identity Theft written on Shredded Paper

Stupid Criminal Tricks

It only took a year plus one month to clear up the problem, caused by the taxpayer being honest and wanting to return the fraudulent check to the IRS.

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Hard Act to Follow

The IRS sent a letter announcing that they did not make any changes to the tax reported on the original return. We won the case, and the member was thrilled.

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Gift Basket

Our 10 Million Dollar Tax Notice

The member was very thankful for our services. He sent us a huge box of Harry and David goodies that we enjoyed for months.

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Customer Service Representative

This Month’s Champions

TaxAudit treats members with the very best customer service available while treating them with empathy and respect during a very stressful situation.

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Customer Service Representative

We Are Champions

TaxAudit's Customer Service Reps work tirelessly to reduce our members’ anxiety during one of the most stressful experiences of their lives.

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Customer Service Representative

We Are Tireless Advocates

When members call the Membership Service Department, they have received a letter from the IRS. It is the worst nightmare of many people.

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Court Order Written on a Paper with a Gavel

Ignoring a Court Order

It’s not often that a taxpayer can disregard a court order, but a recent audit showed one of those rare instances.

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Professional Talking on the Phone

A Little Perseverance Pays Off!

I just worked a challenging case involving a discrimination lawsuit settlement that one of our members received as a former employee.

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IRS Agent Holding Paperwork and on the Phone

Organization Matters: Tax Audits Require Precision

The examiner had called Tan to let him know that she was closing the case with no changes or adjustments.

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Man Fishing

The Tax Implications of Winning

Trouble came when the IRS sent him a letter contending that he had not included the value of the prize on his tax return.

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Audit Representative

At the Movies

He’d invested almost the entire contents of his 401K − over $50,000 − into unregistered securities. The securities were movie production investments.

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Tax Professional

The Great Communicator

We may be exceptional number crunchers at, but we are also empathetic communicators.

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A bunch of letters

Like Magic

One of our core values here at is empathy.

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Pyramid made of wooden cubes with message "Never Give Up"

Never Say Never, and Never Give Up!

My story began in May of 2011 when the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) was inquiring about the education expenses of my member.

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Person Organizing Documents

Documents from Afar – A Total Team Effort

As Audit Rep Assistants, we perform many tasks, such as recreating tax returns, completing bank analyses and preparing response packages for the IRS.

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Refund written with wooden blocks

More than Just a Refund

The taxpayer had an amended return prepared and we submitted it to the Taxpayer Advocate. The IRS agreed and released the Member’s recalculated refund.

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Tax Professional

Convincing the IRS to Concede on a Civil Fraud Penalty

The Revenue Agent conducted the audit by correspondence, which was unusual. He did it that way because it had originated from a related corporate examination.

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Mortgage Interest Deduction written on a Notebook

How can an Audit be fun (for the Audit Rep at Least)

The Member was living in Southern California in a large beautiful home when she received a “check a box” audit for mortgage interest paid.

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Model Car pushing over coin money

A Tale of Tenacity

was able to get the case reviewed by the Taxpayer Advocate Service, and they were able to get the case re-opened and assigned to an Appeals Officer.

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Business team standing hands together

Team TaleSpin Keeps Members from Going into Tailspin

One of the biggest promises we make is to handle all contact with the IRS so our Members don’t have to.

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Short Sale written on a Sticky Note

Grateful Beyond Words

The focus of the notice was Cancellation of Debt and missing Social Security income. Both of the 1099-C forms listed on the notice were related to a short sale.

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Professional with superhero shadow

The Tax Defender Super Hero Wears Many Hats

I have thought often about how my colleagues and I are like SUPER HEROES, making a difference every day in the lives of the people we defend.

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Old Restored Car

Working Hard and Losing Your Wife’s Money is Not a Hobby

The IRS Revenue Agent had already determined that the Member’s business restoring classic automobiles was not a valid business, but a hobby.

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Scam written with wooden blocks with rolled up money on top

Even When You've Been Deceived, There May Be a Silver Lining

He tried to obtain a loan for his business from a company in Brazil. Unfortunately, the company was in the business of scamming people out of their money.

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Truck Driver Standing by His Truck

Tax Returns Are Not Always What They Seem

He had reported wages of $80,376 from a job as a commercial diver and a deduction against that income of $47,501 for unreimbursed employee business expenses.

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Wooden House with For Rent Tag

Being an Audit Rep is not a Passive Activity

The Members had claimed a $15,662 passive activity loss on Schedule E. Their modified AGI was $178,330 so it was not surprising that the IRS had questions.

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Hand drawing of a family on yellow paper with 3 hands reaching on top

A Noble Pursuit

Sometimes faith in what’s right pays off. This was the case for a recent adoption credit examination we defended for one of our members in Wisconsin.

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Carpe Diem written by a typewriter

Carpe Diem to All

I was assigned an Arkansas Department of Revenue audit. When I reviewed the file, the taxpayer’s name and place of residence seemed familiar.

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Group of five professionals working on a case

The Power of Teamwork

The following story is about the exceptional service provided by a TaxResources team. With more than five tax professionals on the case.

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Professional Talking on the Phone and Writing Notes

The Importance of Patience

Audits can be time-consuming, stressful, and serious. When members first contact us for assistance, they can be panicked or confused about where to start.

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Medical Expenses written on a jar with coins in it

IRS Compassion for a Happy Ending

When I was assigned an audit for Schedule A charitable contributions and medical expenses, I knew this would be a challenge.

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Education written on a jar full of cash money and sitting on a stack of notebooks

Not Easy ≠ Not Possible

High deductions for employee expenses are a frequent audit target, especially when they relate to education. The rules are strict and it isn’t easy to qualify.

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Small Houses sitting on a Tax Return

Persistence Pays Off!

Our member was being audited for excess mortgage interest. This was the result of using the Married Filing Separately (MFS) filing status.

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Man holding Schedule C card up

A Tenacious Advocate

Determining whether you have a business or hobby can be confusing, and it is not always clear cut. It has also been the basis of many audits.

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Itemize written out with wooden blocks

A Challenge Met Head-On

The audit was focused on the members’ businesses and itemized deductions. They tried to handle the uncovered year on their own and had met once with the IRS.

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1099-A Tax Form

Compassion, Dedication & Expertise

The audit was focused on the Schedule C for self-employment and a Form 1099-A cancellation of debt.

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mortgage broker holding up model house with paperwork on the desk

Knowing When to Walk Away

Over the many years she’s been representing our members in IRS office audits, Susie has learned a lot about reading a situation and achieving the best outcomes.

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Business Professional Woman

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night

A Notice of Deficiency is the last letter sent to taxpayers by the IRS to address a tax balance due, which is also called a ”deficiency” in IRS speak.

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Woman sitting at desk looking frustrated due to a business loss

From Bad to Worse to All Better

A Schedule C for self-employment with no income and a $16,000 loss will easily draw the attention of the IRS. This was exactly the scenario for this member.

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Scammer holding a laptop

Break for a Scam Victim

I worked with a member who had experienced a significant business theft and then, as bad luck would have it, she was audited by the IRS.

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Investment Fraud typed on spreadsheet printout with highlighter and magnifying glass

Help for an Investment Fraud Victim

The member received a notice questioning her IRA rollover of $212,000 from 2008. The notice included a bill for $62,271, plus penalties and interest.

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Tax Professional

Proving a Business is ‘For Profit’

One of the most difficult challenges we face when dealing with an IRS audit is arguing that a business is a ‘for profit’ activity instead of a hobby.

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1040A Tax Return and United States Treasury Check

A Tax Refund Turnabout

One of my most recent exciting cases started out with one our members receiving a bill for $434.79 when she was expecting a refund of nearly $7,000.

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Calendar with Push Pins Marking Some Days

Simple, Yet Not So Simple

Before you decide to handle your own IRS audit, you should be alert to all that could go wrong if you do.

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person calculating on a calculator with a stethoscope on the desk next to her

No Stranger to Kindness

The members, a married couple, received a letter from the IRS requesting information to substantiate the medical expense deduction reported.

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Model House on money background

When an Audit is Inevitable, We Rock!

There are certain times in life when an IRS audit is unavoidable like when certain items on your tax return do not match the IRS numbers.

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Debt written with wooden blocks

Incredibly Easy

Taxpayers who handle their own IRS audits frequently find the experience so confusing and stressful that they’ll write a check to the IRS to make it go away.

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New York Apartment

A Motivating Factor

This month’s case shows how an Audit Representative from TaxResources can be the coach and the game-changer you need to win your audit.

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Woman. holding lightbulb while writing with a calculator and coins on her desk

The 10,000 Hour Rule

This month’s case shows how an Audit Representative from TaxResources with lots and lots of practice gets you through an audit with ease.

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1099-C Form

Financial Instability and its Unexpected Tax Consequences

The members received a notice from the IRS with a proposed balance due of $84,500 for the 2008 tax year, an amount more than three times their annual income.

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Tax Professional at Desk Looking at Paperwork

A Million Dollars Isn’t Cool. You Know What’s Cool?

This month’s case shows how a TaxResources audit representative with an up-to-date education provides the defense you need to win your audit.

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Hand written Ledger

Mission Accomplished

The IRS was disallowing all of their itemized deductions, including medical expenses, charitable contributions, employee business and investment expenses.

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Model House on desk next to coin and person writing

A Tax Superhero

After uncovering widespread homebuyer credit fraud, RS examiners have been known to disallow legitimate claims. That is exactly what happened in this case.

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Pencil and wage slip

TaxResources to the Rescue

This case illustrates how having an audit representative makes dealing with the IRS a whole lot easier, even when all that’s requested is something simple.

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Notice of Deficiency written on a piece of paper

Don’t Ignore an IRS Letter!

The audit came in as a Notice of Deficiency (NOD), which means the member had received at least two letters previously but had done nothing to address them.

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1099-R Form

The Four Thousand Dollar Phone Call

The received a 1099-R from their financial institution, and when reporting their retirement plan distributions, rollovers, and transfers, but made a mistake.

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Businessman using magnifying to review balance sheet annual

Penalty Kick

Never assume that an IRS letter, bill or notice is correct: each item, figure, and computation should be checked for accuracy.

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United States Tax Court Building

Old Laws, New Analysis, & 3 Yrs for a Tax Court Opinion

This month’s case shows how having an audit representative who stays current with latest tax developments can be essential to winning your case.

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Retired Couple looking at Finances

No Need to Unravel over an IRS Notice

The taxpayers received a bill from the IRS for retirement plan income that they had failed to include on their tax return three years earlier.

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Tax Professional

Persistence Pays Off

When he received the closing letter showing no balance due, the member called to tell the Audit Representative how happy he was the case was finally closed.

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Tax Professional

A Good Tax Audit Rep Means Less Stress

The taxpayer received a bill from the IRS for more than $2,000, which included a ten-percent early withdrawal penalty on a retirement plan distribution.

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